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Friday 28 November 2008

Water -- by Zephirine


“Does madam prefer still or sparkling water?”
- well, both, since you ask

I like a deep lake, tree-fringed and muddy-edged
with ducks and swans nesting among the reeds
a few small islands floating over their reflections
and wooded hills surrounding
I like a big round pool freckled with fountain splashes
defined by stone in a well-ordered garden
with lilies and goldfish fat and flourishing
and the past echoing across its surface
I like a quiet canal cut through the countryside
a slow way between well-grazed meadows
level going from distant lock to lock
a heron staring at a passing barge

And I like brown streams that bubble over stones
rapid, energetic, noisy, shallow
that briefly jostle along stray twigs and leaves before
they cast them aside for new toys
I like a big fast river that wears its power lightly
combs long weeds in its depths and smooths stone over years
but always with a glitter on the surface
a kingfisher’s flight for decoration
I like the sea when it froths around rocks
bounces back sunlight and teases at ankles
each wave a variation of height and curvature
breaks, divides, reaches into and never quite leaves the memory...

Oh I see: you were talking about the stuff in bottles.



Anonymous said...

The still water runs deep and the swift water sparkles here--so the poet has it both ways. I like this one, it's got a lot of bottle.

Anonymous said...

in a far less poetic fashion all I can say is: it's very refreshing to drink from your fountain of words.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that I have seldom read a poem that puts pictures in my head quite as immediately and beautifully as this one?

And I love the top and tail that frame the picture so neatly, the tail providing both an ironic twist and a giggle of pure fun at the same time.

Thank you Zeph.

Anonymous said...

love this poem Zeph, feels like it's got it all, that it flows from the laughing springs, winds through grace and arrives at the power of the irrevocably mnemonic, with time to spend in refracted pools of mystery too "the past echoing across its surface"

perrier/evian; what a question!!

file said...

...see, eau de vie!

Zephirine said...

Thanks all!

offsideintahiti said...

Who is Zeph? A water nymph, a siren? A Libra-quarius in an aquarium? A water-publican with words on tap.

I'll have another gazillion gallons of the fizzy stuff, Zeph, please.


Anonymous said...

Zeph is a gentle muse and siren and this is more likely

Zephirine said...

I'm a Pisces, Offie, thought it would be obvious:)

Zephirine said...

That's very nice, Mimi.

Here's something a bit more old-style...

Anonymous said...

they both gone fishin for good-Too bad Louis didn't live long enough to play for Obama's party-

Anonymous said...

Zeph--From what we all see and say, the only gift you seem to be lacking is the ability to walk on water. For some tips from an early modern master ("I consider laughter superior to tears") in this most challenging of aquatic events, see:

Anonymous said...

Lovely clips, gentlemen, thank you! Don't think I'll try the walking on water, in spite of my fishy nature I can't swim:)