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Monday 15 September 2008

50 Word/Food: Shell Shock -- by OffsideinTahiti



Leave me alone no I won't even try it I know it's full of nutrients and proteins and I know you like to share thanks but it's slimy and gross and for God's sake it's still alive when you swallow and it makes me wanna oh wow a pearl!



Anonymous said...

Well, Offie, this seems to have made them all shut up like clams...

offsideintahiti said...

Yeah, I certainly know how to kill a thread, don't I?

Anonymous said...

that was nasty, and makes me search for something pleasant.

Is a murder of crows pleasant?

Dunno know but one goes goes for the carney, cos we all remember some fun from the fair.

Oh and bearing in mind that there are a thousound tears.

Anonymous said...

Sorry offie, no pearl is worth eating things that are still alive.

Anonymous said...

It's worth searching to find a pearl.

And sometimes finding a word stops the tears.

Zephirine said...

Thanks to Mimi for the illustration. She met these oysters on the Isle of Skye. Did she eat them?

Anonymous said...

Do I have to comment??

Lovely dish, yum, but not for me!

Still, good hols and next year it'll be Orkney.

Anonymous said...

question for one of the Frenchmen, if they're about: what does "tout pour ma gueule" mean? Am trying to read the infamous Platini interview. Sorry for the off topic.

Anonymous said...

There are always questions for the Frenchmen.

That is a part of life.

For me, now, end of oysters, and sadly end of local raspberries. I am just lushing up the last few berries of the summer.


Anonymous said...

Munni, the French seem to be absent, but I have a vague idea:
"Tout pour ma gueule et que les autres crevent" or you sometimes just see TPMG, when I've seen it used it seems to be about being out for yourself, individualism instead of solidarity. There used to be an English saying "Screw you, Jack, I'm all right" which is the same sort of thing.

Hm, yes, M. Platini, they say you always criticise others for the faults you have yourself...

offsideintahiti said...

Zeph is right, as always. One small point, though. Depending on context, it could be taken to mean "I'm taking all the blame (or bearing the brunt, or footing the whole bill), and it's unfair."

Strange that the French are absent, they can usually be found propping up the bar around here. Anybody know what happened to them?

Anonymous said...

Ate some dodgy oysters, maybe?

Anonymous said...

thanks, offie and zeph, that is helpful. Platini has some interesting views on a variety of subjects.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Platini suggest that women wear shorter skirts, or was that Blatter?

Anonymous said...

that was Blatter. Although it's true that football kits are usually deeply unflattering on women, and I am vain enough to be annoyed by that.

offsideintahiti said...

My oysters didn't draw a single comment from the lads, but maybe this new subject will.

Anonymous said...

Most sports wear is unflattering for women. Specially at the school stage.

However, young boys are encouraged to wear long socks and short shorts that look quite nice. And they are encouraged to tramp up the street in their studded shoes making a quite frightening noise!