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Monday 21 December 2009

It sounds like one

Continuing our tradition of Other Stuff musical offerings at Christmas - here are some Bulgarian ladies with a song which isn't a Christmas carol but sounds as if it should be:


freep said...

Love the singing, zeph, and the pinnies too. Some of these Bulgar gels have obviously been standing on their heads in a florists, while others have evolved an original way of carting round fruit salads on their bonces.

Pinkerbell said...

I haven't had a chance to view these, but just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you, Zeph, and all who visit here...

Zephirine said...

You'd think the costumes might impede the singing, but it seems not.

Merry Christmas to you too, Pink!

mimi said...

There is only one song, sung blue, and that is the singing.
Song sung blue

You got no choice.

billymills said...

Seasonaal stuff, one and all.

Jack, if you happen by, I've responded to your comments on my "performance skills" in the appropriate spot. No offence taken.

really offside now said...

Feliz navidad a todos, desde Puerto Montt, Chile.

¡Patagonia, here we come!

file said...

A Very Merry Everything to All Others! May your stockings be full to overflowing.