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Monday 22 February 2010

Warning! -- Zephirine


file said...

Always amazes me how easy it seems to heed wise words like these, ex post facto of course.

offsideintahiti said...

What conversation?

Zephirine said...

Obviously people have heeded the warning and stayed clear...

offsideintahiti said...

You mean people abide by the signs? On what planet?

Pinkerbell said...

People at my work read the signs, proofread the signs, alter the signs, and complain loudly about the standard of english nowadays. Mind you I do work for a publisher where we have heated conversations about commas.

offsideintahiti said...

Heated conversations about commas? I bet your company's Xmas party is a hoot... Especially if the office jester has had one too many semi colon.

Pinkerbell said...

Well Offie there is always a free bar, which makes people forget about the comma trauma and no-one is allowed in if they are carrying any stick-on apostrophes.

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