OK, here's mine. A bit sad really (passed my Mad Cat Lady Grade V now) but with two of them arriving together the little dears did kind of dominate the year:
Zeph Tribe 2008: Year of Two Cats
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... and a great excuse to post this:
"When I play with my cat, who knows whether I do not make her more sport than she makes me?"--Montaigne
"For I will consider my cat Jeoffrey,/
For he is the servant of the Living God, duly and daily serving him.../
For he counteracts the Devil, who is Death, by brisking about the life."
--Christopher Smart
Very nice, BTP. Mine do a lot of brisking about the life.
most cute Zeph, meaningful too, but no 2.5?
Well, 2.5 only arrived late in the year so I left her out..2009 might be Three Cat Year:)
Ironic that 2008 was the year of the rat?
Let one just say as a representative of the Union of Respect for Felines (URF for short) that we believe in full cat-entitlement in Equal Opportunity Households; and that, therefore, it is our expectation that the worthy creature familiarly known as JTU should be awarded not merely one-half but one full unit of domestic suffrage in the present Winter Count.
Offie: that's what's called the balance of nature.
BTP: Just-Turned-Up can qualify for full suffrage rights as of 2009, though some other feline residents may still oppose this.
There is a very knowing look in these two faces, drawn only with simply lines.
As the tin-opener for three furs, I fully realise how a small twitch of whisker condemns me to perpetual serfdom.
We here are your fellow serfs to three furry ones, upon our rickety knees at every whisker-twitch. The principal occupation being: see to it none perceives itself left out.
(Well, maybe being left out of a drawing would be not quite so offensive to the domineering furry ones as being left out of dinner...)
Ah yes, the time one spends being Fair... And they are such jealous creatures.
Not my sins
Rules and regulations. Huh. Just get bored.
What was it again?
Homo Sapiens: mammalian biped domesticated by cats as a source of food around 7000 B.C.
Something like that. Can't remember where I read it but the two fleabags here are silently nodding in knowing agreement.
Feline equality...huh. I don't think that would work in this house, we have one Supreme Authority and one Baby, and they both like it that way.
Offie, your quote reminds me of Kipling's cat who walked by himself.
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